- 07984675481
- info@rochfordirishdance.uk
In order to access our members only pages you WILL need to complete our membership form. The information you supply will become your account details, so please be accurate when completing the form. To safeguard our younger members well being and to limit membership to our school pupils, parents and guardians please ask Denise Rochford for a ‘Registration Code’ which you will need to complete the membership process. You will only need to use this code on your initial sign up. All subsequent login attempts will not require you to enter the code. The system will remember who you are and direct you to the correct login location.
We hope as a valued pupil or parent/guardian of The Rochford School you will be helpful, courteous and friendly towards the other members of this site. By clicking on the ‘Create Membership’ link below you agree to abide by these simple rules.
All accounts are monitor and our system will revoke membership status for those breaking the rules or allowing access to their account to NON members of our school without prior permission…